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  1. J

    2000 2520MV REPOWER 2017 YAM XBF250

    What prop are you running? I have the identical hull with a 4.2L F300 and running a Yamaha SDS 15-3/4 x 15 prop hitting 5900 RPM.
  2. J

    2520 front window weatherstripping?

    Windows: Contact Diamond Sea Glaze and request the weatherstripping for a "106TH" window. You'll need to measure out how much you would need in advance. Rodholders: Gemlux but they no longer have the dies to make the stamped that were cut in 2005. However, this is the same rodholder model in...
  3. J


    Yes, It's safe for the O2 sensor too on the OX66. I switched from Ring Free years ago and have been happy with the results.
  4. J


    Thank you!
  5. J

    Changes to 2017 Parkers

    Just guessing but Parker saved on retooling plug/molds when they redesigned the transom rather than having to retool the entire cap. I just wish they would offer different style transoms using this approach. Filling in that seam would be my first move too. Beautiful boat you have and good luck!
  6. J

    Fuel fill and vent lines

  7. J

    2000 2520MV REPOWER 2017 YAM XBF250

    That's a great price. Hope this helps guys who are thinking about repowering to a Yamaha 4.2L...Here's what I paid for a 4.2L 300 with digital electronic controls: 4.2L F300 UCA 30" $19,900 MAIN DEC CONTROL $1,025.00 MAIN KEY PANEL $227.00 2 GAUGE COMMAND LINK KIT $720.00 MAIN DEC HARNESS...
  8. J

    150s on a 28?

    It looks like a 2520 in the pics to me and not a 2820.
  9. J

    1996 2320SC, what are these?

    I'm not 100% but I believe they are currently only available from Southco in black unless you find new old stock. Mine were also originally an offwhite color back in 2000's. They become brittle and crack especially in the cold weather. I stopped replacing mine and removed them probably just...
  10. J

    Question about addition of second station

    I also had that moment of sticker shock for the price for the controls/key set. Twice the cost is a bit ridic. That aside, you will love the 2nd station and the smoothness of the fly by wire controls. Good luck.
  11. J

    Size matters!

    I'm curious if anyone can share experiences using a delta style anchor on a (oyster) shell bottom? Looks like they would be great in sand or mud but we fish primarily on oyster beds in Delaware Bay and getting a Danforth style to grab can sometimes be challenging.
  12. J

    Cockpit awning

    I thought this was interesting. Designed for T-Top but wonder if it would work on a sportcabin roof?
  13. J

    When is Yamaha 6 year warranty promotion?

    Just my experience but when I repowered last year, it was a 6 year offer in November (when sales slow down considerably) and then a 5 year promo opportunity again in March. Hopefully, this year will be different and you'll snag the 6 in the early spring. Good luck with the new boat!
  14. J

    End of season Questions

    That That install from interweb is mine. It follows the BlueSeas instructions (The 35A are to protect the wires from overcharging if there's a failure voltage regulator - probably overkill, yes, but as recommended by BlueSeas. They (one for each battery) match the max output from my former...
  15. J

    Deck hatch gaskets

    In 1999, they used Tempress Marine for both the rear bilge hatch (13" x 23") and the pry out round access plates (6"). They sell replacements parts on their website:!/Utility-Hatch- ... ory=442136!/Deck-Plate-O-R ... ory=442136
  16. J

    2000 Parker 2520 sliding window parts

    Negative....I just replaced all of mine with DSG windows. Parker uses DSG only for the front due to higher costs. The Pompanette's are a lower priced window. Trust me on this one as I did quite a bit of research including conversations with the factory on what they install/installed :D...
  17. J

    2000 Parker 2520 sliding window parts

    Window Manufacturers for 2X20/30 Sport Cabins Approx. pre-2002 ("Black" painted anodized aluminum trim windows): Front: Wynne Inc. Sides/Rear: Water Bonnet 2002 - Present Day (Non-painted anonodized aluminum trim windows): Front: Diamond Sea Glaze Sides/Rear: Pompanette
  18. J

    Cleaning non skid

    I have had good success with Oxyclean. I just keep a tub on the boat and throw a few scoops on the wet nonskid, scrub it in, and let it soak for about 15 minutes. Not really any different than the above proposed methods but just passing it along. I prefer it over Barkeepers only because it's...
  19. J

    New member with a few questions

    Very interesting...I do not believe Parker ever made Sport Cabin boat without a step down. Are you sure the boat minus the step down is not a 2310 "walkaround" cuddy cabin that is mislabeled as a 2320? The 2310 has a level deck going into the helm area. The step down allows for a lower...