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Thinking of relocating the key switch
Would like to know how to fill that space how to redo fiber glass it
That Looks nice..... Now you can install a larger piehole that you can actually work thru easily. You might also think of removing the ball & Spring from the anti siphon valve.

So today I finsh installing rigging tubes which I never had prior as you can see in the picture I ran one to port and one to starboard cut out that rott and put in a 8 in.pie hole and a 6 in. Under my live well and started running wires again back to to helm
Yes they are not all that Big. Pay attention to the directions as to Where to cut the Lil Red wires on the relay's..... Run those Red wires to the Start Switches respectfully.

Port to Port & Stb to Stb


Also be careful when you mount it to not pinch the Small Black wires that must be connected to Gnd. I usually hook both the small Gnd wires together and run a 16ga. Black wire onto the Gnd Buss.

My help this Sunday !


Well it is coming along I am taking my time and making sure I want things where I'm placing them be for I make it a permanent fix constantly having new ideas as you go along don't help lol . but I'm having a lot of fun and soon I'll have more parts to add to the boat and put together
Are you rewiring the fuel sending unit? That's the only place Pink is on a boat.

I too bought 14ga for the senders at first....It's kinda big....Now I use 16ga.
Yes redoing my sending unit wires as well . didn't really noticed a difference in size till after I ordered it as well.
going to replace all the wires from the helm to the bilge there will be 2 rule pumps 1 shurflo live well pump and my 5.0gpm 73psi wash down 3 under water lights and the fuel separators and for now 2 gp29 batteries parraell for the house sys.
I'd recommend that you return the Surflow in favor of a Rule Dual port.

Sureflow is highly used by boat manufactures, but we call'em Noflow's due to their high failure rate.