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Classic Parker Boat Forum

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  1. P


    that one is really dumb sleeping in a boat like that!
  2. P


    Just a little tip to save your finger tips! LoL- the way that guy was hooked you can get a gaff on the curve of the hook and pulled hard backwards and you will have your rig back. The smaller the gap on the gaff the better. Good luck
  3. P


    I use circles and have removed every hook so far except one, 30/1 rate this year and the puller is 5ft long so no need to be close to mouth. Size 18/0 circles
  4. P


  5. P

    door catches

    I gave up on them also
  6. P

    VST, high RPM bogging, fuel issues, etc, all in one thread

    Sometimes debri gunks it up and causes a restriction of fuel, who knows. Mine took a poop after about 2 yrs, i just got rid of it all together
  7. P

    fuel pump

    Is the primer ball collapsing?
  8. P

    wiper blade for 06 2310 parker

    12'" or 13" auto blades will work and under $10.00 a piece.
  9. P

    Finally broke the 40 mark

    Nice!!! :D
  10. P

    Day at work not fishing!!!

    I doubt that! LoL! 20 and out!
  11. P

    Circle Hook Help/Advice.

    I second that.
  12. P

    Reality of economy, so my live well changed ! input needed

    Do yourself a favor and change that strainer to a " Great Southbay strainer" It cuts down on the eel grass getting in there, even though boat is in Mtk, you will not regret it. If you get the bigger one you can mount it right over the strainer shown. It will save you from having to clear the...
  13. P

    2 stroke oil question.......again

    Guys, these forums are for guys to ask a question correct? And when you ask a question people reply in what they think is correct or their belief, you then take that info and do what you want with it. I see no reason for people to insult peoples intelligence with comments or innuendos because...